Thursday, April 28, 2011


"It all started two years ago" That is usually how I start this story. We (me and a few others on this blog) were on our way down to a christian camp, When I was asked the question "What are you going to do with your life" I had said to them that I had dreams , like any other little kid, but I had never seen myself in a certain position and roll in life. That is when it all sparked, I was suddenly surrounded by this question in my mind. The whole week at camp I started praying to God saying "I want you to show me God" every single morning and night during worship I was in the presence of God. It wasn't until that last Friday night on July 16, 2009 When I was in the complete, marvelous, love of God's presence surrounding me. In that moment, while I was crying laying on the floor, God revealed to me that He wanted me to be in the ministry. I was so thankful for all He had shown me , but I still didn't know what the exact position was and I kept praying to God that He would reveal it to me....

After camp I came home all amped up in God's presence and I didn't want to let Him slip through my fingers ever again. A year after two or three people prophesied over my life,telling me I was going to be an Evangelist and spread God's word. I have loved music my whole life and I have had several people come up to me saying that they could see my pureness of worship to God. When I was twelve years old I started playing guitar and fell in love with it! Suddenly I stared becoming better at it and couldn't put it down. Soon after I started playing I started practicing with the worship team at our church. It took a year of practicing with them before I could start playing with them on Sundays. Acoustic guitar was first on the learning list and then I started practicing with electric guitar. My parents saw my love for it and after buying me an acoustic they bought me my dream electric, an Epiphone Les Paul! Of course they are the best parents ever!! ha ha

Recently, Mickey Robinson came to our city. Me and the rest of the youth group went to a Youth night service that he was speaking at. Worship was great and soon after he pointed at me....suddenly he started to prophecy over my life. He came up to me and said " You love color, (ha ha direct hit)" he went on to say, " you have a love for music and worship, and God has called you to be a minister and evangelist in Worship!" Amazing how God works, huh? I love how he does things!He is a loving God! I hope you enjoyed my story, God blessY

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