Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hello all to Our Guts readers! To be clear, Guts stands for God Understands This Stuff. How did we come up with the name? Pure accident. My lovely sister was trying to explain why she exclaimed guts as we were trying to figure out a name for this blog. You know, Ramona and Beezus. Well, with my very creative mind (and charming personality, but that's beside the point) I said, "Yeah, God Understands This Stuff." And there you have it folks, the home run.

But what is this blog? And who is writing this post? And does she have a phone number? Okay, maybe you're not wondering that, but I wouldn't tell you anyway, so it's all cool. To answer the above questions, this blog's purpose is to shine a light in today's world. We (our church youth group) want to give a Christian teen's perspective on life. Also, we hope to convey a message of hope to whoever reads this blog. To help show you that God does understand this stuff, he knows what every teenager is going through, and he wants to help.

As for who I am, well, I'm just one of the teenage writers you'll see posting on this wonderfully hip blog (yes, I know wonderfully is not a word). You'll see a bucketful of different topics broached on this blog, with a bucketful of different viewpoints and perspectives. Sometimes you might see interviews of us or of different people. Sometimes we'll all discuss one topic. At other times we'll each post something for the week, or someone will "take the blog" for a week and you'll only see her posts. In whatever form these posts appear, we hope they will amuse you, charm you, and most of all, challenge you.

Welcome To Our Guts, we hope you enjoy.

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